Hi folks,
Whether you believe it or not we are in Alaska, the bikes are almost ready and in a couple of days if everything goes fine we are setting off down south.
We arrived to Fairbanks last Friday at night, a friend Helena our host was waiting for us at the airport to take us to her cabin a beautiful house on the outside of Fairbanks in the middle of the woods we met her through a friend of mine and without knowing us she has opened her place and her life to help us out getting readies for our adventure. I';s inspiring and difficult to believe until you dont see and meet the people and the places that there are still so many people that live in a great contact with nature. Listening to theirs chats you can grasp all the time the relation ship they have with the space were they live as you can imagine and if not I'll tell you the folk I'm meeting they live with no running water in the middle of the wood with a toilet outside sometime severals meters away from theirs cabins in winter the temperature can go under -40 C, snow everywhere, wild animals and if they are no well prepared when that comes every September they just can die extreme isn't it? And the best things is that all the folk we have met they love it. Talking with Marta about it the feeling that comes to us when we see these people is a deep respect for the way of life they have.
The second night at Helenas we made a bonfire with Helena's friends who came to meet us, the one that impressed us the most was a woman call Gina, this beautiful being works as a nurse part time at the local hospital, well Gina at the party offered us to spend the night at hers. Gina lives far into the wood on the top of a mountain with no electricity, with no running water and on her own @hey guys I want to share with you the way I live do you want to come with me and spend a night sleeping outside in the woods, I've got a shed there with just a roof where you can sleep outdoor.
We are finishing our bikes, putting them back together and getting few more gears that we needed before setting off, hopefully tomorrow We will tighten the spokes and perhaps the day after tomorrow it will be the big day where we will look ahead, the road in front Marta and me together start, take this challenge, this life present giving the firs pedaling down South
Fairbanks, Alaska May 2011
Wish us good luck
we are setting off
ReplyDeleteUN ABRAZO.
Hola chicos espero que disfruten de su viaje y les deseo toda la suerte si tienen alguna pregunta sobre argentina y chile mas adelante no duden en contactarme que viaje bastante por alla mi mail tomasaperlo@hotmail.com , una cosa, estoy planeando hacer un viaje desde alaska tambien, me seria muy util saber cuando entren a estados unidos desde canada si te vuelven a dar un permiso nuevo de 6 meses o si siguen contando los 6 meses que te dan cuando llegas a alaska, les agradecere mucho me saquen de esa duda, bueno un abrazo a ambos, tienen alguna direccion de e-mail? chauu
ReplyDeleteHola tomi,
ReplyDeleteQue tal?
Gracias por la ofer de Argentina y Chile ya te diremos cuando andemos por el Hemisferio sur, aunque todavia nos que da un ratito para lklegar a aquelloos lares :)
Lo del permiso, creo que te dan una extension cuando pases a la frontera desde Canada a US>Nosotros tenemos una visa para 10 anos multientrance y nos han dado seis meses hasta que llegemos a Canada y despues nos daran mas para cruzar US otravez
No se que es lo que te pediran a ti supongo que dependera de las circunstancias not sure
nuestro email es info@theamericasbycycle.org
un abrazo
Muchas gracias guapeton lo estamos haciendo a tope
ReplyDeleteAlaska es salvaje que bonito es el planeta es lo que uno siente cuando ve la grandeza de la naturaleza en su espolendor